Wednesday, March 19th, 2025
Venue: Schwerin Castle, Conference Center, Demmlersaal, Lennéstraße 1, 19053 Schwerin

2 pm    Words of welcome

1. Elke-Annette Schmitt as Deputy President of the State Parliament
2. Jacqueline Bernhardt as Minister for Justice, Equality, and Consumer Protection
3. Professor Dr. Jörn Dosch as Chair of International Politics and Development Cooperation at the Institute of Political Science and Administrative Science, and Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences at the University of Rostock
4. Ludmila Lutz-Auras, Mecklenburg AnStiftung
3 pmFrom the Ballot Box to the Government: The Political Participation of Women (Keynote)
Kathrin Mahler Walther, Executive Chairwoman, EAF Berlin
4 pmConference break
4.30 pmPolitical Queen’s Gambit: A Crisis of Representation in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern?
Ludmila Lutz-Auras, Mecklenburger AnStiftung
Dr. Dennis Bastian Rudolf, Head, Task Force for the Establishment of the Anti-Discrimination Office Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
5 pmPresentation of posters on the situation of political representation of women in various countries of the Baltic Rea region

1. Denmark (Prof. Karina Kosiara-Pedersen, University of Copenhagen)
2. Germany (Dr. Cathleen Kiefert, Associated Expert ZEUS)
3. Estonia (Dr. Maarja Lühiste, Newcastle University)
4. Finland (Prof. Petra Ahrens, Tampere University)
5. Latvia (Prof. Marita Zitmane, University of Latvia/Riga)
6. Lithuania (Gabrielė Burbulytė-Tsiskarishvili, Klaipeda University)
7. Poland (Prof. Katarzyna Kamińska-Korolczuk, University of Gdańsk)
8. Sweden (Prof. Andrea Spehar, University of Gothenburg)
9. Sweden (Ewa Wiberg, Ministry of Employment/Division for Gender Equality))
6 pmEnd of conference day one
Castle Tour and Joint dinner at the Castle Café

Thursday, March 20th, 2025
Venue: Neustädtisches Palais, Goldener Saal, Puschkinstraße 19, 19055 Schwerin

9.30 amWelcome

Wenke Brüdgam als Landesbeauftragte für Frauen und Gleichstellung in der Landesregierung
10 amWorkshops on the following topics:

1. ‚Partisan Capital‘: Recruitment and Promotion of Women in Political Parties
Moderation: Dr. Pierre Gottschlich, Julia Heinschel, University of Rostock

2. Compatibility of professional and private life as a prerequisite for political participation
Moderation: Manuela Müller, Cécile Weidhofer, EAF Berlin

3. Collaboration with civil society actors and institutions
Moderation: Dr. Dennis Bastian Rudolf, Ministry of Justice, Equality, and Consumer Protection Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

4. Youth work, political education, and recruitment of young talent
Moderation: Ludmila Lutz-Auras, Bettina Lorenz, Mecklenburger AnStiftung
12 pmLunch break
1 pmContinuation of the workshops
2 pmPresentation of results and outlook
3 pmGet Together
4 pmEnd of conference